LED vs. IPS Monitors: Which One Should You Choose?

Are you in the market for a new monitor but feeling overwhelmed by the different panel technology options? LED and IPS are two of the most popular panel technologies, each with advantages and disadvantages.

LED monitors boast high contrast ratios and fast response times, making them great for immersive gaming experiences. On the other hand, IPS monitors have wider viewing angles and better color accuracy, making them ideal for tasks like photo and video editing.

So which one is right for you? In this post, we’ll dive into the differences between LED and IPS monitors to help you make an informed decision.

LED Monitors

LED monitors have gained immense popularity recently due to their superior display quality and energy efficiency. LED stands for Light Emitting Diode, referring to the backlighting technology used in these monitors.

Traditional monitors use fluorescent bulbs for backlighting, which consumes more power and produces inferior picture quality. On the other hand, LED backlighting uses less energy and produces brighter and more vivid images with better contrast ratios.

One of the significant advantages of LED monitors is their fast response time, which is when a pixel changes color. This feature makes LED monitors great for immersive gaming experiences, as they can display fast-moving scenes without blurring or ghosting.

LED monitors are also thinner and lighter than traditional monitors, making them ideal for those with limited desk space. However, one of the downsides of LED monitors is their limited viewing angles, which can cause the picture to appear distorted when viewed from an angle.

Another disadvantage of LED monitors is that they tend to have lower color accuracy than IPS monitors. While this may not be noticeable to the average user, it can concern professionals who require precise color representation, such as photographers and graphic designers.

Overall, LED monitors are an excellent choice for those who prioritize speed, energy efficiency, and a slim design. However, if you require better color accuracy and wider viewing angles, you may want to consider an IPS monitor instead.

IPS Monitors

IPS, or In-Plane Switching, is another popular monitor panel technology. It differs from LED in that IPS monitors have better color accuracy, wider viewing angles, and more consistent color representation across the screen.

IPS panels have a unique structure that allows light to pass through the liquid crystal display (LCD) at different angles, resulting in more accurate color reproduction. This makes IPS monitors ideal for tasks that require precise color representation, such as photo and video editing, graphic design, and other creative work.

Another advantage of IPS monitors is their wider viewing angles. Unlike LED monitors, IPS monitors can maintain color accuracy even when viewed from extreme angles, making them ideal for collaborative work or for watching movies with friends and family.

However, IPS monitors do have some downsides. They tend to be more expensive than LED monitors, and their fast response times may not be as good as those of LED monitors, making them less ideal for gaming.

Additionally, IPS monitors require more power to operate, resulting in higher energy consumption and heat generation, which can impact the lifespan of the monitor.

An IPS monitor is an excellent choice if you prioritize color accuracy and wide viewing angles. However, if you’re on a budget or require fast response times for gaming, an LED monitor may be a better option.

LED vs. IPS: Key Differences

When choosing between LED and IPS monitors, several key differences exist. Here are the main factors to keep in mind:

Contrast ratio and black levels: LED monitors typically have higher contrast ratios and deeper black levels than IPS monitors. Dark images and videos will look better on an LED screen, with more distinct details and less visible grayish tones.

Viewing angles: IPS monitors have wider viewing angles than LED monitors, meaning you can see the screen clearly from more angles without color distortion or brightness loss. This is especially important if you use the monitor for collaborative work or sharing content.

Color accuracy: IPS monitors are known for superior color accuracy, with more vibrant and true-to-life colors. If color accuracy is important to you, especially for creative work like photo or video editing, an IPS monitor may be the better choice.

Response time: LED monitors typically have faster response times than IPS monitors, meaning fast-moving images and videos will appear smoother and more fluid. This makes LED monitors better suited for gaming or watching action-packed movies.

Energy efficiency: LED monitors are more energy-efficient than IPS monitors, using less power and producing less heat. This can result in lower electricity bills and a smaller environmental footprint.

Choosing between LED and IPS monitors depends on your specific needs and preferences. An LED monitor may be the way to go if you value high contrast and fast response times for gaming or movies.

However, if color accuracy and wide viewing angles are more important to you for creative work or collaborative tasks, an IPS monitor may be the better choice.

Which One Should You Choose?

When it comes to choosing between LED and IPS monitors, there are several factors to consider:

Purpose: What will the monitor be used for? Gaming, graphic design, office work, or general use?

Budget: How much are you willing to spend on a monitor? LED monitors are generally more affordable than IPS monitors.

Contrast ratio: An IPS monitor is better if you need a monitor with deep blacks and bright whites. However, LED monitors are better if you want a high contrast monitor.

Viewing angles: IPS monitors have wider viewing angles than LED monitors, which means the picture quality remains consistent when viewed from different angles.

Color accuracy: An IPS monitor is better if color accuracy is crucial for your work. IPS monitors have better color accuracy and a wider color gamut than LED monitors.

Response time: A monitor with a fast response time is crucial if you’re a gamer or enjoy watching action-packed movies. LED monitors generally have faster response times than IPS monitors.

Energy efficiency: LED monitors are generally more energy-efficient than IPS monitors, which means they use less power and generate less heat.

Recommendations for specific use cases:

Gaming: LED monitors are generally the better choice if you’re a gamer. They have faster response times, which means less motion blur and ghosting.

Graphic design: IPS monitors are the better choice if you’re a graphic designer. They have better color accuracy and wider viewing angles, which is crucial for design work.

Office work/general use: LED monitors are generally more affordable and energy-efficient, which makes them a good choice for general use and office work.

Choosing between LED and IPS monitors ultimately depends on your needs and preferences. Consider the abovementioned factors and any other requirements to make an informed decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between LED and IPS monitors?

LED monitors use light-emitting diodes for backlighting, while IPS monitors use in-plane switching technology for better color accuracy and wider viewing angles.

Which type of monitor is better for gaming?

LED and IPS monitors can be good for gaming, but it ultimately depends on your preferences. LED monitors generally have faster response times and higher refresh rates, making them better for fast-paced games, while IPS monitors have better color accuracy and wider viewing angles, making them better for immersive gaming experiences.

Are IPS monitors more expensive than LED monitors?

IPS monitors are more expensive than LED monitors due to their advanced technology and better color accuracy.

Which type of monitor is better for photo and video editing?

IPS monitors are generally better for photo and video editing due to their superior color accuracy and wider viewing angles.

Can LED monitors have IPS panels?

Some LED monitors have IPS panels for better color accuracy and wider viewing angles.

Can IPS monitors have LED backlighting?

Yes, IPS monitors can use LED backlighting technology for improved energy efficiency.

Do LED monitors use less energy than IPS monitors?

LED monitors generally use less energy than IPS monitors because they use light-emitting diodes for backlighting.

Which type of monitor is better for general use?

LED and IPS monitors can be good for general use, but it ultimately depends on your preferences and needs. LED monitors are more affordable and have faster response times, while IPS monitors have better color accuracy and wider viewing angles.


In conclusion, choosing between LED and IPS monitors can be tough, but understanding the key differences can help make the decision easier.

LED monitors offer energy efficiency, response time, and brightness advantages, while IPS monitors excel in contrast ratio, color accuracy, and viewing angles.

When deciding which type of monitor to choose, it’s important to consider your specific use cases, such as gaming or graphic design, as well as your budget and personal preferences.

Ultimately, LED and IPS monitors have strengths and weaknesses; the best choice depends on your needs.

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Jeremy Morgan
By Jeremy Morgan

Jeremy Morgan, a professional gamer with expertise in PC and console gaming. Passionate about pushing boundaries, mastering strategies, and delivering exhilarating gameplay. Ready to take on new challenges and dominate the virtual world.

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